A significant increase in sustainable jobs and income-earning opportunities in general
A doubling of yields in the industry
Being a fully representative industry in terms of ownership, control and management of enterprises and employment equity at all levels
Being a world class destination in terms of quality of service, infrastructure and excellence
An increase in awareness and access by domestic tourists and local markets
Significant new product development especially in the areas of culture and heritage
A highly successful marketing strategy of the destination both internationally and domestically with a focus on African linkages
Significant reduction of the impact of seasonality
Impact |
Tourism |
Investment Recruitment |
Identify & shape recruitment investment opportunities based on the ITDF |
Marketing |
Mine existing markets, improve the tourism business leisure ratio, eliminate seasonality through the Cape Town 365 campaign |
Develop new sub-sectors, niches & products |
Link markets to emerging entrepreneurs |
Develop & implement the tourism 2010 plan |
Infrastructural Enhancement |
Develop infrastructure in terms of the ITDF and the TRSF |
Strategic Competitiveness |
Develop and implement a quality assurance system |
Enterprise Development |
Large scale implementation of the tourism enterprise development tiered support strategy |
Local Economic Development |
Develop & implement a community tourism programme with special emphasis on youth, rural and blue collar communities guided by the ITDF |
Fair Business Environment |
Implement a responsive regulatory environment geared towards private sector needs, whilst protecting public interests & a focus on tour guiding, tour operator, licensing, road signage, tourism safety and security |